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robot_specs_t Struct Reference

#include <robot_specs.h>

Public Attributes

double robot_radius
 if you were to draw a circle with this radius, the robot would be entirely contained within it
double odom_wheel_diam
 the diameter of the wheels used for
double odom_gear_ratio
 the ratio of the odometry wheel to the encoder reading odometry data
double dist_between_wheels
 the distance between centers of the central drive wheels
double drive_correction_cutoff
 the default feedback for autonomous driving
 the defualt feedback for autonomous turning
PID::pid_config_t correction_pid
 the pid controller to keep the robot driving in as straight a line as possible

Detailed Description

Main robot characterization struct. This will be passed to all the major subsystems that require info about the robot. All distance measurements are in inches.

Member Data Documentation

◆ drive_correction_cutoff

double robot_specs_t::drive_correction_cutoff

the distance at which to stop trying to turn towards the target. If we are less than this value, we can continue driving forward to minimize our distance but will not try to spin around to point directly at the target

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: